
NASA gives SpaceX the privilege of crashing the ISS into the sea

An amount of $843 million is being paid to the corporation in order to construct a rocket that would "deorbit" the space station. A contract for $843 million has just been awarded to SpaceX for the purpose of essentially bringing the International Space Station (ISS) down into the ocean. The International Space Station (ISS) will be deorbited in a secure manner during the next 10 years as part of a program run by NASA. Having been in continuous operation since 1998, the International Space Station (ISS) has, like everything else, been aging. The orbital mission of the space station is scheduled to come to a conclusion in or around the year 2030. On the other hand, NASA does not want the entire thing to just careen into the atmosphere of Earth, causing hazardous debris to be dispersed everywhere, exactly as in the second season of Breaking Bad. The agency wants a tidy